Things I'm Loving: Up In The Air
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I've always loved things hanging on the walls or from the ceiling. I'm afraid my house may be filled with mobiles and such. Whatever will I do?
I love books. I love the smell of books. And I love the way this book has been made into hanging art! Just beautiful.
Butterflies usually aren't my kind of thing, but these oragami butterflies are amazing and the presentation couldn't be cuter.
These paper birds are just so sweet.
This one is a bit somber, but it's just so lovely.
Hearts made from Shakesprean pages? Yes please!
I'm so sad this is no longer available. I had my eye on this mobile for so long and just waited for the day it would go on sale so I could snatch it up. I must have waited too long. =/
(No longer available)
This one is a how-to for your own mobile. I love that you can use found objects and create your own color scheme.
This sweet cloud just makes my day.