8 Weeks To A Better Me: Week Eight
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
This is the final week of "8 Weeks" and I have to say I'm sort of sad. Though I will post one more "8 Weeks" post to sum up weeks 5 - 8, I will definitely miss reading inspiring posts and making my own goals based around each theme.
Leigh-Ann wrote about awakening your creative side beautifully. She was a huge inspiration to me and I've very excited to put into motion things that will bring out my creativity.
- Find Constant Inspiration - Through other bloggers, my daily life and anywhere else I can find it. I aim to document what I find and adapt those inspirations into my own projects.
- Try Things Out - While I love crafts, DIY and making things with my hands, I have become a huge inspiration hoarder. My bookmarked paged are mostly inspiration of things I want to do, make and try. Once a month I need to grab something from my two biggest lists (DIY through various outlets & Food) and make something. Why save these bookmarks and dream of the possibilities without making them a reality?
- Share The Wealth - I was actually just talking to a friend about how I don't bake because nothing ever gets eaten. I need to bring my handmade joy to others. Boxes or bags of cookies or cupcakes, handmade cards for special occasions and even handmade gifts instead of store bought ones will push me to keep creating and to give something a bit more special to those I love.