8 Weeks To A Better Me: Week Seven
Thursday, June 23, 2011
This week on Sometimes Sweet, Elsie from A Beautiful Mess talks about personal style. Like most of the other weeks themes, this is definitely something I have been trying to work on and find myself in and the tips are perfect! I adore Elsie's fun style greatly and she is always spot on when combining things that some think wouldn't work. I have no personal style. I wear pretty much whatever is clean and can be thrown together in less than 5 minutes. I purchase things I like with no real sense of how it fits in to what I prefer to wear or may not be the best fit on my body but it "SUPER CUTE!". With that said, here are my goals!
- Get Inspired - I follow some amazing bloggers who's personal style is very apparent. I am constantly inspired by their fashion risks and overall style. While I will probably never be a strictly jeans or strictly skirts and dresses girl, I need to find more of a balance. Wearing dresses does not need to be complicated and wearing jeans doesn't have to be super casual. Also, building mood boards both in notebooks and on Pinterest will help me get a better vision of what really appeals to me.
- Finding My Perfect Fit - I have a bit of an odd shaped body. What fits in the top sometimes doesn't fit my waist at all and the other way around. Also, most things will fit great in the legs and behind area but be a bit tight on my hips. Finding brands and cuts that are comfortable and flatter are key in my search to revitalize my closet.
- Invest in Perfect Pieces - I cannot tell you how many times I see a dress or skirt or blouse and know that if I owned it, I could do so much with it and treasure it for many seasons. The problem is that I have a $50 - $60 limit on most clothing and shoe items and quality doesn't always come cheap. Buying under my limit on things that will make me happy in the short run is alright as long as it leaves me room to spend over that on things that will be my go-to for several years.