8 Weeks To A Better Me: Week Six
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
This week on Sometimes Sweet Mandi from Here's Looking at Me, Kid gives her tips on how to make your home a wonderful place to live. I really loved all that she had to say and if you're interested in giving your home or space a spruce or feel then her tips are definitely for you. Just so you know, if seeking out inspiration on Apartment Therapy, beware! It is very easy to spend an hour on their site and not realize it.
- Organization - I'm currently working with only one room for all my things. Unfortunately I use this as an excuse to let the clutter slide. In addition to keeping my little home space clean, I need to keep it organized and tidy. Luckily I have only one junk drawer and tend to keep crafting things all in one handy place. This really needs to transfer over to bills, paperwork and the like. Sorting and putting it in it's proper place right away will keep me from having to spend an hour doing it all at once later.
- Fill Wall Space - I recently hung a few things and it really made me happy. Having art I enjoy and pictures of the things and people I love makes me smile and bring warmth to my space, empty walls do not. Make it, buy it, snap it. Whatever, just make those walls happy!
- Bye Bye Random Junk - I keep movie tickets, baseball tickets, theater playbills...everything, and I really need to weed through them all and only keep the extra special ones. Also, I tend to keep manuals and old electrical accessories. Why? You're guess is as good as mine! Time for them to find a new home.